Monday, August 6, 2012

The August Garden

The August garden is quite productive and colourful.  Overall, despite a very cool spring it has been quite successful.
Red Crocosmia in bloom.
Orange Crocosmia look more like a painting than a photograph.
Benarys Giant Zinnias are finally filling out after a slow start.

Pretty pink perennials are starting to emerge.

The Asian lilies are in full bloom and their scent is heavenly as you step into the garden.
The bees love the Heliotrope and Alyssum.

Heliotrope is a stunning regal purple, the plants are far larger than I had expected they could ever get.
Borlotti beans are hanging on the vines. They are supposed to produce red and white beans for drying and storing so we'll see what happens over the next few weeks as they begin to fill out their shells.

The pole beans went in far too late this year because the peas came out so late.  I'm not sure if there will be enough time to actually get beans off these fellows, but we're certainly hoping for the best. 

The apple trees have a good number of fruits this year.  We will get a good harvest if all goes well for the rest of the season.
The tomato plants have grown considerably and are starting to produce a few ripe fruits.  There are a lot of flowers on them and  a few weeks of good heat ahead so hopefully we'll get a good harvest. 

AO installed the sprinkler system around the driveway side of the house to save us time with the watering jobs.  It seems to work quite well but will need a few more sprinkler heads added to cover the ground properly. 

The Japanese Maple with sprinkler system installed underneath. 

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