Sunday, November 21, 2010

Loft Floor and Varnished Stairs

Underlay went down first.

Followed by rows and rows of laminate.

We got 2/3 of it done on Saturday.

Looking out towards the view.

Only one small area left to be completed against the gable wall.

The stairs and posts have been varnished and look great.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Brick Work

HK is hard at work on the bricks.

His smile hides the snail like pace that we have settled into :)

A close up of HK's handiwork, it looks excellent!

We decided to work on a part of the house away from the original brickwork until we become more proficient at laying the bricks. It's a bit demoralizing working on large sections as it takes a long time to make any vertical progress.

We can imagine it all covered up, but it will take a while to get there.