Monday, August 30, 2010

Half Timber Substitutes

Cedar boards go up to provide framing for brickwork

Arbutus Shedding Bark

Arbutus bark peels off in the summer heat.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A few images from Nova Scotia

HK in the Business Lounge

Carter's Beach - Cindi and Louise
Nikolas and Auntie Weezer
HK and his Daddy
Sunflower Grown from Bird Seed
Cool Bug on Electric Fence
Seaweed at Low Tide
Scallops Have Many Eyes
A Few Scallops
A Few More Scallops
Yummy Scallop

Bridge Over the Medway River
General Store on the Medway River

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sealing the Slate Tiles

HK seals the new tile floor in preparation for grouting tomorrow.

One more coat and then it can dry overnight.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

August Flowers

Crocosmia that the deer can't reach in the garden.
Stargazer lillies with a small white spider pal.

A few more tiles in place and a few more bricks smashed

A few more tiles have gone into the entry. 
A couple more work days and it will be ready for grouting.
HK on clean-up duty!

While HK was tiling, AO was smacking brick faces off.