Saturday, November 30, 2013

Preparation for Finishing off the Big Windows

Henrik is working on finishing the cherry wood that will line the big windows.

Work goes on day and night on the prepping, staining, wet sanding and varnishing. 

Pretty Cherry finish!!

Our Christmas Present Arrives

The new couch has arrived in time to ensure that Christmas visitors will all have a comfy place to hang out by the fire. 

We're going to need a few cushions, blankies, a new carpet and a coffee table or two to finish off the space but we're getting closer to cozy.

Henrik is quite comfy in the new digs :) 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Further Kitchen Finishing Details

Two more cabinets have been added; one with a glass door next to the sink and one above the fridge. A little more finishing work has been done around the oven as well as on the island.
The window finishing, backsplash and computer workstation still have to go in….in our spare time. 

Fall Chill is in the Air

Morning dew is still on the grass at noon, and a chill hangs in the air all day. It's a good day to curl up by the fire.

The Japanese Maple dropped its leaves in a single blustery day. Vivid red against the pea green periwinkle makes a carpet of contrast.

The bachelor buttons continue to bloom, and somehow, they continue to evade the roving ruminants.

Red clover is working as a cover crop this winter to keep the weeds to a dull roar. It will be dug into the earth next spring for it's organic matter and nitrogen nodules that will nourish the next batch of pretty flowers. 

Horse Chestnuts hoping to fall on fertile ground; they will not find enough earth beneath them in which to sprout. 

Toadstools on the forest floor; the moist fall has resulted in thousands of fungus friends. 

A toadstool fit for a frog king. 

Puffballs have released their spores underneath the honey locust.