Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Convalescent Frodo

It has been a difficult few days for Frodo (and us too). She went off food in the summer heat and has developed hepatic lipidosis. She was tortured at the clinic with blood and urine taken and 250 mls of subcutaneous fluids administered.

I have been force feeding her every few hours and if she doesn't return to normal consumption today, she will have to have subcutaneous fluids administered here at home. Oh she is going to hate me if that happens.

She threw up her first dose of cyproheptadine (antihistamine appetite stimulant) but half an hour later started eating food. She has consumed about 2/3 of a tin of food as well as some of the usual dry food. Another session like that and I won't be threatening her with force feeding again today.


Louise said...

Whoa! What is hepatic lipidosis? Close call with the Fro! She is looking skinny and unimpressed in general, but all the best for her continued recovery and pep! She will love you for it LATER, much later... :)

Louise said...

Awesome clematis frog! I hope there is a frog for every variety of plant! Shall I come over this weekend, or would you prefer privacy for working. I could do some work for u.