The garden has filled in at an incredible pace over the last month; it's hard to tell one part of it from another these days. |
The new begonia bed underneath the curly hazel. |
Brilliant yellow begonias |
Not to be outdone, the red ones are pretty nice too. |
Gladiolas are in the peak of bloom right now. |
Lots of pastel pinks and oranges in the garden right now. |
The beans have produced masses of flowers and in a couple of weeks we are going to be inundated. |
The dwarf gala has a good harvest shaping up. |
Black mustard will add a kick to the salad greens. |
The second crop of beans is underway |
As is the first crop of tomatoes |
Cooking apples getting ready for crumbles |
Zinnias have completely filled in their garden bed. |
Red crocosmia |
Bears breeches in flower |
Fuscia is a favourite of the hummingbirds |
Volunteer artichoke just showed up out of nowhere |
Honeybees are enjoying the artichoke flowers, fortunately there seem to be lots of bees around this year. |