Saturday, May 4, 2013

Great Room Progress

Baseboards have been installed in the hallway leading into the great room. 
View of the great room from the future kitchen.

Looking across the seating area to the future library corner. The baseboards, door and window trim are now complete.

Still some work to be done in the sunroom in the loft.
One of these days we'll get it tiled. 

Looking across to where the kitchen will be, hopefully by the end of the summer. 

The great room from standing in the library. 

Bathroom is now completely finished.

Finished bathroom cabinets are now in use.

The guest bathroom is small but has turned out exceptionally well.

The corner shower is an inviting place to hang out.

Garden, Greenhouse Guys and Camas Lilies

Greenhouse successes have their first day in the sunshine outside. They have done very well in my absence.

The fenced garden is looking good, peas are coming up slowly and broccoli is starting to flower. 

The camas field is in bloom with a lovely blue-purple haze.