Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bamboo and Pieris in their New Home

The new bamboo plants (Fargesia rufa) and the Silver Flame Pieris have finally been placed into their new homes under the octagon window. 

Before and After for the Deck Side, Formerly the Water Storage Tank Side

Spring 2008 - The big water tanks are visible behind the cedar trees.
They were moved down the hill and are still in service.

Fall 2011 - The big deck now sits where the tanks were and we have a carport underneath the deck.

View underneath the carport.

Driveway Side Before and After

View from the driveway in Spring 2008.
Fall 2011 the trees have grown as has the house. 

The Octagon End of the House

Spring 2008
Fall 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Fabulous Growth of the Honey Locust

July 2010 the label said "fast grower 50 to 60 feet"
September 2011 - and in the first year the Honey Locust grew at least 3 feet up and filled in a lot.