Friday, December 31, 2010

Wildberry Sunset

A pale pink wintery sky highlights the mountains over Vancouver.
Chilly temperatures are keeping us indoors near the fire.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Stairs and Inside Railing Complete

View up the stairs with completed Oak steps and the handrail in place.

Up close view of the varnished oak veneer.

Completed inside railing and laminate floor in the loft.

The view from the loft out the big windows.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Glass, Top Rail and Christmas


The top rail has been installed in a couple of places.

It's very finicky work but looks good once it's complete.
The glass has been in place for a while, it's a much stronger system once the top rail is on.
Frodo sleeps by the Christmas presents underneath the Yukka plant.
Presents and wrapping have been taking the place of renos lately!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Loft Floor and Varnished Stairs

Underlay went down first.

Followed by rows and rows of laminate.

We got 2/3 of it done on Saturday.

Looking out towards the view.

Only one small area left to be completed against the gable wall.

The stairs and posts have been varnished and look great.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Brick Work

HK is hard at work on the bricks.

His smile hides the snail like pace that we have settled into :)

A close up of HK's handiwork, it looks excellent!

We decided to work on a part of the house away from the original brickwork until we become more proficient at laying the bricks. It's a bit demoralizing working on large sections as it takes a long time to make any vertical progress.

We can imagine it all covered up, but it will take a while to get there.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The First Bricks Went On Today

The first bricks went on the house today with help from a friend :)

HK's makes sure the bricks are straight and level and lined up properly
with the bricks on the wall next to it.
We have to wait a few hours for the mortar to harden to clean it up.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Progress on Inside Railing

The posts and lower railing are in place.

On Friday the folks from DekRail will come and measure up for the glass.

Up close of the post and lower rail.

HK's attention to detail is making all look fabulous!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Inside Railing

The fir posts had to be cut to size.

With some angles for the stairs!

HK putting the loft posts in place.

Stairs have the posts as well as Oak veneer/and trim installed.

Painting 1/2 Timbers

The wood on the window wall was painted as far as the ladder would allow.
There is still a section to be painted at the very top
All the half timbers around the side and front have been painted.

One more step closer to having the outside finished.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hole has been cut through!!!!

The hole was cut in the wall on Saturday!

View through to the new entryway

Bedroom from the other direction.

Half n Half

Scratch Coat Completion

The scratch coat has been completed on the side wall!

And the window wall too!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Progress on Scratch Coat

The rainscreen and wire mesh have been completed.

The scratch coat is more than half complete.
Scratch coat progress.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Owl in the Forest

An Owl spent the afternoon in a fir tree after catching a snake for lunch.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Concrete columns poured

The concrete has been poured for the pillars that the big rock will sit on.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Footings for Big Rock, Ramp Prep and Rainscreen

The base for the big rock has been dug and concrete poured in to stabilize it.

Rebar was drilled into the rock first to make sure the base is solidly attached

HK covers the cement base for the ramp onto the deck.
In the background progress on the rainscreen happened on a couple more walls.