Sunday, November 29, 2009

More Stones in Place

The right hand side and the front have a few more stones added

Thursday, November 26, 2009

More progress

Insulation in the loft and vapor barrier is complete.

Henrik will finish the main floor insulation this evening.

The right side of the fireplace has had stones attached.
A few have gone on the front of the fireplace too.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gable End Covered, First Stones and Loft Insulation

The loft is almost completely insulated. I don't even want to think about Henrik up high on the ladder but there is much more to be done in the remainder of the roof.

The first stones were applied to the firplace surround this weekend.  The time consuming part is choosing which stones to set in place; cementing them in place is actually reasonably quick.

Henrik finished putting the Hardiplank on the gable end.  Now it just needs a coat of grey paint and that part of the house is complete.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Continued Reno Progress

The house has been wrapped in Tyvek and Henrik has started the Hardiplank on the gable end.
Insulation is underway is slowly being completed.

The fireplace surround has had the scratch coat applied; once that sets then the stones will be put in place.