Monday, December 29, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

There were candles on the tree again and they were quite beautiful. Though Frodo and I stayed close by with the fire extinguisher just in case!

Christmas is here and Frodo is stoned on fish flakes. Who knows what was in those things but she's quite out of her mind.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

We had visitors to the property a couple of days ago. A couple of hungry Muscovy ducks showed up looking for a handout. They only stayed a few hours and then waddled on their way.

When we went to get the Christmas tree we had to dig it out of a snowbank before we could cut it down. It's now in the living room and waiting to be decorated.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Snowblower guy!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Still snowy....

It's really beautiful even though I hate the snow. It's not going away any time soon and there is another 10 to 20 cm on the way tonight. The dracanas seem to be coping alright for the moment but it will be interesting to see if they survive the deep freeze.

The driveway has been cleared since this original picture. Can't give HK any trouble about buying a snow blower now :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Deep freeze remains

It's staying cold. The power went out for a while today, fortunately it didn't last. There is more snow forecast for tonight and I doubt I'll be on the road tomorrow. Another 15 cm of snow is coming in the next 24 hrs. Glad that I have a cozy nest to curl up in tonight.

The contractors continue to work in the bitter cold. They are very persistent, more than I would be and keeping steady forward progress on the roof. Everything is being really well built and we're lucky to have such great contractors.

Henrik used the snowplough for hours on Sunday. I think he quite liked it! it was very effective

Monday, December 15, 2008

Wildberry Renovations

The renovations continue despite the cold. Snow covers everything and doesn't seem to want to leave any time soon. It's really quite beautiful even if it makes life much more difficult.