Sunday, August 1, 2010

A few more tiles in place and a few more bricks smashed

A few more tiles have gone into the entry. 
A couple more work days and it will be ready for grouting.
HK on clean-up duty!

While HK was tiling, AO was smacking brick faces off.


Louise said...

Nice tiles! Those are the ones the suite next door has in the kitchen, very nice indeed.

No small labor that brick smacking! Dem some heavy piles! Yays lawdy!

Gribbit said...

The tiles are a huge challenge and it's a good thing HK is so patient. Some of them aren't truly square and they vary in size by about 1/4 inch. He's done a fabulous job with them

I did 50 more bricks today. By the end of brick smashing for the day I can barely feel my arm any more.

Louise said...

Um, ya. He's patient, and you're inured to pain.