Saturday, August 1, 2009

Frodo and Flowers

Little Frodo has taken a turn for the worse. She's spending a lot of time in the basement now. We moved her there because it's the only place in the house that's cool in this blistering heat wave. I hope she makes it but it's back to force feeding again.

Bean Harvest!!

The mason bees have filled in a few spaces in the new bee house.

Xeranthemum and Lemon Gems

Persian Carpet Zinnias

Benary's zinnia's next to the sweet peas.

The flowers have finally filled in in the garden. Benary's zinnias, Persian carpets, Lemon gems and Xeranthemums. The sweet peas have bloomed early and are filling the air with their sweet scent.


Louise said...

Fro looked happy in the cool enclosure!

Gribbit said...

Fro is eating well but her abdomen is becoming severely distended. Not sure how much more of that she can take :(